Georgia department of transportation

CASE STUDY:Georgia Department of Transportation
Georgia Department of Transportation
In 2017, Drakewell began a wide-scale implementation of the C2-Cloud system for the state’s traffic monitoring program.
The Challenge
Drakewell was chosen to implement a SaaS, COTS-first traffic data management system for the state, covering a wide array of key DOT business.
The State required a comprehensive traffic data management system that would support a pay-for-data model of traffic count collection, also a system to support a step change from collecting binned (time interval) data to all individual vehicle records.
Drakewell and the state agreed to implement C2-Traffic, our data management system, with a number of key submodules, including Data Quality, WIM Reports, PVR Image Reports, Emergency Mode, End-of-Year-Processing, Journey Time, Bulk Data Extracts, TMAS Exporter, GIS Integration, and the Public Interface. Additionally, the State adopted the C2-Counts and C2-Service modules to be used by their data vendors in the field, and the C2-Gateway module to be used by their data vendors for auto-polling.
Drakewell would need to closely configure existing features of the software to the State’s needs, translate existing State processes to new features and architecture, and develop custom expansions for State needs.
Several key items requiring particular effort are outlined below:
- Expand the Data Quality module to support contractual, monitoring, and standard data validations
- Expand EOYP and HPMS modules to meet the State’s Federal reporting requirements
- Incorporate new Emergency Mode approaches for Hurricane Season management
- Bring together both the data vendor and the State in ways that comply with any existing contract or procurement requirements.
Drakewell, the State, and the Vendor collaborated on the implementation plan, the schedule, and the optional items that would be prioritized, schedule permitting. Additionally, Drakewell and the State identified potential items to be implemented over the duration of the contract.
The Project Kick-Off was held in November 2017, with configuration and customization beginning promptly.
The Approach
Recognizing that the implementation of new software offered the State opportunities to review current practices and improve workflows, Drakewell and the State gathered working groups to participate in Joint Application Configuration Sessions (JACS) that would outline the desired workflows, business rules, and needs of the state.
Drakewell believes in a highly collaborative, flexible project management approach. Our approach combines an organized, structured process, with overlapping development cycles to maximize the allotted time in the project schedule while ensuring design, development, review, and revision are all carried out.
During the implementation, Drakewell and the State would meet to discuss requirements, identify priorities, and review previously submitted items to discuss feedback and changes. As Go-Live, approached, Drakewell would maintain contact with State Business Analysts and IT PMs to ensure that UAT would proceed on schedule.
The Outcome
The implementation, from Kick-off to Go-Live, took five months. The minimum necessary modules were completed ahead of schedule, allowing for the State and the Vendor to add new items to the Go-Live list. Scope creep and change orders were avoided during this process, and throughout the implementation, Drakewell expanded the C2-Cloud RoadMap based on feedback from the State.
Post-Go-Live training proceeded well, with both vendor sessions and internal sessions progressing without concern or significant resistance to change.
In the years since Go-Live, Drakewell has continued to release new functionality, such as reports, interfaces, exports, and FHWA-compliant formats as COTS quality improvements.
Additional items have been requested by the state that involved significant development efforts, which Drakewell strives to fulfill. For example, a ‘Walk-the-Route’ functionality has been recently developed, tested, and released as an enhancement for the EOYP Module. This functionality heavily involved Drakewell resources with functional expertise in development of GIS solutions, integration with State data, validation of State data, and Federal reporting standards and requirements.
Additional, high-effort developments include expansion of WIM Reports, development of Virtual WIM interfaces, integration with AI Cameras, development of new COVID-19 Monitoring interfaces, and expansion of Emergency Mode to promote collaboration and data sharing between neighboring states during Weather Emergencies.
Lessons Learned
During the implementation, we significantly expanded our recorder and file type library, developed the EOYP module to the State’s specifications for Annualized Statistic Calculation and Submittal, and worked with the State and the Vendor to bring together their needs and workflows.
Over the course of our multi-year contract with the State, we have had many opportunities to collaborate with the State on new functionality, addressing State needs, addressing Federal needs, and supporting good business practices. We have released dozens of new reports, new interfaces, and new data validation rules for the State, both as free, quality of life improvements, and contracted features.
We have continued to work closely with the FHWA to ensure our software supports State reporting requirements and is future-proof for changes and development in the Industry.